A web-based solution that facilitates reconciliation of TDS and TCS credit between Form 26AS and ledger and provides analytical dashboards with actionable report.

KPMG 26AS Reconciler

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* This application is best viewed in Google Chrome (version 58.0.3029.81 and above) and Microsoft EDGE Browser (version 44.17763.831.0 and above).

“Use of KPMG 26AS Reconciler (Tool) and its contents is limited to the purpose for which it has been established. You may use Tool only on behalf of the organization for or with whom you are working which has, under agreement between the organization and the Firm, been permitted to designate you as an authorized user of Tool. You shall not use Tool for your own personal or private commercial purposes. The use of Tool and its content is governed by the engagement contract (including any ‘Terms of Use’) agreed between the organization and the Firm. By clicking on ‘Login’ and logging on to Tool you confirm acceptance to and agree to compliance with the provisions of the access granted under the engagement contract (including the ‘Terms of Use’).”

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